To My Daughter:
Stuff I’ve Learned While Playing Outside
written and illustrated by Stuart Thompson, PhD

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To My Daughter: Stuff I’ve Learned While Playing Outside realizes some truths learned while doing outdoor activities—hiking, cycling, rock climbing and canoeing. This letter to a grown daughter becomes now an open letter, a collection of short stories. The stories have a clear, unmistakable relationship to all of us. Encountered are scenes from the Appalachian Trail, the Grand Canyon, Arches National Park and other outdoor settings. Always encountered is the familiar made a bit more meaningful.
The book stands as a contribution to outdoor education and, by extension, experiential education. There is stuff to be discovered—by all of us—by playing outside. Thompson embarrasses himself with the telling of some of the stories. So be it, he sighs. Sometimes it’s important to laugh at one’s own foibles.
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Hard cover and paperback editions: 296 pages
Illustrated with 21 black and white images painted by the author
© 2012 Hairy Eyeballs Press
ISBN (hardcover): 978-0-9851082-0-5
ISBN (paperback): 978-0-9851082-1-2
Product dimensions: 5½ x 8½ inches